I started rebooting Wayves in March of 2023. One of many reasons was that we all saw a shadow of right-wing tyranny creeping toward us, and a widely-read, trusted free press is the only thing I know well, the only thing in my toolkit, to push back against that.
Yesterday we saw more than a shadow south of the border, and we're seeing it in Canadian politics too.
To get advertisers, I needed a reader base. To get readers, I needed well-written, germane, timely, interesting stories. To get that content, I wanted to pay the writers, and for that... that's right, I needed advertising.
Speaking of advertisers, to help Wayves: please pay attention to the three ads that you see right now (they are different every time you load the page) and send some kind of message to the organization, that you saw their ad in Wayves. You can do that during this jump ad:
After we had the writers + quality content + advertisers machine running, I needed an editorial team to help make decisions about Wayves' tone, content and direction. That happened, and I'm very happy to now use first-person-plural when it comes to the magazine.
That editorial team and gang of good writers is passionate about a trusted fourth estate as a critical part of a community and a democracy, and intrinsic to activism. We have correspondents in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and PEI. The writers are backed up by a picky pack of persistent painfully persnickety proofreaders.
We sill need to work on Newfoundland & Labrador. If you know someone who can write news there, please use the form below to get us in touch.
And, we have a web site that's easy for the production team to use, and that you, dear reader, are very familiar with.
So what the heck do we need?
We need story ideas.
Believe it or not, we need ideas. From all over Atlantic Canada.
Wayves has always been a mix of good news stories, difficult stories, heartwarming and tragic personal stories, business stories and calls to action. We're planning to maintain that mix, with your help.
What great news should get shared from your physical or social media community? What elements of trans- and homo-phobia need to have some light shed on them? What queer business just opened or celebrated an anniversary? Who needs to get their life works recognized?
You could say, "Hey we get this all from social media," but you know what: social media is about one-third of the way through a multidimensional upheaval, and the trajectory is not pretty. If you'd like to be notified *directly* of Wayves articles with no social media middlebot, get on our mailing list.
Or, follow us here on BlueSky.
Please, give business to the advertisers you see here, and mention that you saw them in Wayves!
The very short version: Wayves needs story ideas. We need to keep the writers and journalists busy, we need to get moneycash to them.
You can use the same form to give us feedback. (Hint: the editorial team and writers love feedback.)
We can't promise to do a story about every idea you suggest, but we do promise that our editorial team will take a look at it.